Friday, March 26, 2010

Feeding My Purple Obsession :)

Happy Friday everyone!  Today I would like to share something very dear to my heart with you:  my favorite color, PURPLE.  If you didn't know already, I love the color purple.  I own many articles of clothing that are purple, many things purple, heck, I even painted the largest wall in my studio purple!

Ok, so this might have been going overboard, but when I saw the new Kelly Moore camera bags, I fell in love with the style.  Then I found out that the bags come in [drum roll please]...yup!  Purple!  I had one bought in 15 mins flat. 

They look great from the outside---nothing obvious to give away "Hey!  I'm carrying about $3-4,000 worth of camera gear here!!!"  I love that!  It's a little dressier and stands out from my work clothes.  When you're wearing all black and then carrying a bunch of black camera bags, black gets a bit boring. 

I'm looking forward to using it this summer shooting weddings!  To my brides who didn't choose the color purple as their wedding color, I hope you don't mind if I bring my purple bag anyways :)

have a great weekend!


Jenn Martin said...

I love your purple camera bag!!! Of course I'm also very envious....Enjoy!!

srosan said...

sooooo cute!